
What does the word bring up for you?

Do your shoulders tense, does your stomach squeeze, do you forget to breathe?


What does this word bring up for you?

Do you experience a softness in your belly, a dropping of your shoulders, a deep yearning in your bones?

As entrepreneurs and self-employed people, having an easy relationship with money creates a freer relationship with life. Not because we need money to be free, but because feeling free to do what we want with our business model allows ease to enter every other part of our life.

Be honest:

😫 Are you working more than when you had a 9-5?

😫 Do you stress about what to charge for your services, knowing that you’re still not making enough to really relax?

😫 Do you feel guilty about the idea of working less yet receiving more?

Healing Money Trauma is a 12-week intensive for people who want to feel free through having an easier relationship with money.

This program may be for you if:

🙏🏾Your line of work is deeply purpose-oriented

🙏🏾 You are self-employed, an entrepreneur, or largely responsible for carving your own professional path

🙏🏾 Each month, you have enough to cover your needs, yet you find yourself constantly uncertain of your financial safety, waiting for the other shoe to drop, struggling to feel safe with money

🙏🏾 You’re afraid to trust money because you’ve seen capitalism terrorise your lineage, loved ones, and community

This program may also be for you if:

💖 You’d like to calibrate your nervous systems to making at least $10-$30k per month

💖 You want to set rates based on what feels good for you – not based on your “worth” or your “value” - because everyone’s worth is valid and inherent

💖 You’d like to create a work-life integration that allows you to work only as much as you desire, so that your purpose can continue to be your pleasure

So what will we be doing?

Using Family Constellation Therapy as a primary modality, we’ll work as an intimate cohort to:

💸 Release ancestral money trauma

💸 Uproot unhealthy money myths and cultivate beliefs that allow you to feel nourished by financial flow

💸 Reset your nervous system to allow for genuine abundance – whether that’s through having more money, more time, more of anything that your heart desires

The next cohort begins April 2024.

Cohort 1 Results:

16 people completed the program. 15 people shared feedback. These are their results

  • 100% reported a better relationship with money.

  • 20% reported increased income by the end of the program.

  • 80% reported increased ease completing financial tasks.

  • 73% reported increased ease discussing rates with clients and colleagues.

  • 87% reported increased ease discussing finances with people in their personal life.

  • 87% reported increased ease looking at bank statements, credit card bills, and other financial needs.

  • 67% reported decreased perfectionism and increased ability to do less while working.

  • 87% reported decreased anxiety about future income.

Nitty gritty deets:

This program may not be for you if:

  • the idea of spending $1650 on your future well-being creates overwhelm to the extent that you are unable to schedule a call with me.

    I remember the first time I spent money on coaching of this kind. It was a big investment for my nervous system; I had to be ready for it, and so do you. If there is enough softness in your gut to schedule a call with me, please do, and you can make a more intuitive and grounded decision from there.

  • you are clear in your belief that money is bad. I teach based on what my teachers have taught me and based on what I have found to be true.

    You can have a completely different truth and that can be just as valid.

Client Testimonies


Meenadchi beautifully navigated the class in exploring many facets of money trauma. I feel more confident about my ability to generate income and less anxiety around money in general.

  • investing in this program would mean you couldn’t cover your daily needs over the next 3 months. A baseline degree of stability is important while doing deep work of this kind.

    If you are curious about working with me and need a lower price point, explore a class recording, join a practice group, or apply for a pay-what-you-can spot once applications open.

About me and what you can expect:

I grew up in a middle class household. My mother put me through college, and loved me even when I chose a path that was different from what my community expected of me. I became an artist and later community advocate working in suicide prevention and rape crisis advocacy. I became accustomed to earning a non-profit salary of $35k a year, living in California, and making it work.

In 2019, Jumakae introduced me to the idea that money works through energetic flow and that in order to receive money, we also have to invest money. At the time, I had was without stable housing and working at a nonprofit that severely undervalued my labor.

I made my first big investment to work with Dez Davis aka The Rich Witch. Five minutes after my final session with Dez, I walked into my boss’s office and successfully leveraged a pay increase from $38/hour to $150/hour.

Each year since then, I have been a 6-figure business owner, accustomed to being in the flow of $10-$25k a month. What you can expect from me is a grounded approach to healing money trauma. We won’t pretend systemic conditions don’t exist, and I won’t tell you what your relationship to money should look like. As a collective cohort, we will somatically explore what it feels like to have a values-aligned relationship to money, and ultimately you will get to decide what works for you.


I believed because of my experiences and the experiences of my ancestors that people would not pay someone like me - a Black woman in a larger body - well or fairly. I believed that money was a tool of the oppressor...Now I believe that I can earn and spend money joyfully because money's got my back.


I achieved the first semblance of financial stability I’ve had in my life during this program. Over the course of twelve weeks, I was able to tenderly separate my self worth from my income. This shift has allowed me to feel more ease and play towards money and I feel less scared about finances going forward... I really appreciated the real real of acknowledging systems of oppression that affect my reality and access to income.


Healing Money Trauma was a big investment and leap of faith for me--and I am truly grateful I made the choice to join…I have experienced increased courage to face financial tasks that overwhelmed me before, received direct support for increasing my rates and interfacing with scary institutions, and felt significant somatic shifts that have allowed me to change my relationship with money ongoing.


It was my first in depth experience with Family Constellation work and it was alchemical. Over the weeks I found community care, and more ease in my personal workings with finances but the biggest gift has been connecting with the wisdom of my body.